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This entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations.
Reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the site manager.
Director of publication: Pierre Chanut /
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The entire NYMEO team would like to thank the unique individuals who were able to combine their professional skills and sensibilities so well during the design and construction phases of this website:
- Magomed Oumalaev for the originality of the design and the graphic creation, and of course for his perseverance.
- Jérôme Mulsant for the web programming and the production technique, and also for his patience.
- Clément Extier for his invaluable help in writing the texts.
- Laurence Bosc for the unpublished photographic portraits.
- The Webinneo team for their support regarding our presence on social networks.